Monday, January 17, 2011

Richard McEntire, Elzey Powell, Laura Jane Lovelace

* Note, there are some "format breaks" in this page. Scroll to bottom of page to see all of the information contained for Richard and Elzey.

(Fern McEntire Price, FredMcEntire, Richard)

Fred McEntire's father was Richard William McEntire, born May 30, 1959 to Ransom(e) and Rosa Whitter (Whitworth) McEntire.

My mother, Fern, called Richard, "Grandpa Dick."  Family lore has it that he was into "moon-shining" along with other questionable activities. Allegedly, he fled to Arkansas to escape prosecution during raids that were taking place in Rutherford and Cleveland County. This is where family lore says Elzey Powell died.

NAME:Richard Mcentire
AGE:20BIRTH YEAR:abt 1860BIRTHPLACE:North CarolinaHOME IN 1880:Duncans Creek, Cleveland, North CarolinaRACE:WhiteGENDER:MaleRELATION TO HEAD OF HOUSE:SonMARITAL STATUS:SingleFATHER'S NAME:Ransom McentireFATHER'S BIRTHPLACE:North CarolinaMOTHER'S NAME:Rosanna McentireMOTHER'S BIRTHPLACE:North Carolina  OCCUPATION:Works On Farm

Ransom Mcentire53
Rosanna Mcentire51
Cely Mcentire21
Richard Mcentire20
Robt. Mcentire11
Marcus Mcentire9
Roney Moore20

His brother, Romulus Alexander, also went to Arkansas:

80 United States Federal Census about R. A. Mcentire

Name:R. A. Mcentire
This is: Romulus Alexander
Home in 1880:Owen, Lincoln, Arkansas
Estimated birth year:abt 1844
Birthplace:North Carolina
Relation to head-of-household:Self (Head)
Spouse's name:R. E. Mcentire
Father's birthplace:North Carolina
Mother's birthplace:North Carolina
Neighbors:View others on page
Marital Status:Married
Cannot read/write:


Deaf and dumb:

Otherwise disabled:

Idiotic or insane:
Household Members:
R. A. Mcentire36
R. E. Mcentire33
Florence Mcentire6
Eliga Mcentire11

 Richard's father, Ransom, is buried in the Zion Church Cemetery and his mother, Rosa, is buried in the Union Baptist Church Cemetery both in Cleveland County, NC. Near each grave are members of the GOLD family.

Google Books provides a source that reveals the political climate of the time: Reports of committees: 30th Congress, 1st session - 48th Congress, 2nd session The following source is testimony concerning the assault on Aaron Biggerstaff (whose wife was a GOLD). Both McEntire and Gold names are mentioned. I'm also posting the link for this source below:

Richard is buried in the Peniel Baptist Church Cemetery in Polk County NC. He rests near his son (Laura Jane), Marshall Neal McEntire. (Notice the spelling variations used by different family members: McEntyre.)

McEntyre, Richard May 30, 1859 October 23, 1952  McEntyre, Marshall N. September 29, 1898 February 19, 1984 McEntyre, Odie C. December 31, 1903 ------

Photo:  Richard McEntire, son of Ransome and Rosa McEntire.

Photo below:  Laura Jane Lovelace - 2nd wife - Richard McEntire.  (I have never seen a photo of Elzey Powell.  Elzey Powell, wife of Richard was the daughter of Benjamin Newton Powell and Martha Mode  - a cemetery marker was erected in Shelby, NC, in 2014 for Benjamin Newton Powell, father of Elzey Powell.

 Laura Jane Lovelace McEntire, the second wife of Richard McEntire
(first wife - Elzey Powell)

Last woman sitting on right holding infant is Laura Jane McEntire. The man behind her and slightly to her left is Richard William McEntire.

I like to think that one of the boys in front is surely Fred or Saney, but these children have not been identified.

1880 Census: Duncans Creek Cleveland
County, NC

Richard is living in his father and mother's house: Ransom age 53 and Rosanna age 51. Also in the home are his siblings: Cely, Robert, Marcus, and two other members: Moore and Gold.

In 1880, Elzey Powell is living in Duncans Creek, Cleveland County, NC with her mother Martha, and siblings: Manchester, Hesentine (Hessy) and Alice.

She is 17 years old.

Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Duncans Creek, Cleveland, North Carolina; Roll: 959; Family History Film: 1254959; Page: 595A; Enumeration District: 72; Image: 0073.

Parents and Siblings of Elzey Powell:

1860 Census shows Martha and B.N. Powell (Elzey's parents):

James J Hays26
Catherine Hays26
John F Hays4
Thomas B Hays11/12
Thomas Hays22
Minerva Hays25
B N Powel31
Martha Powel32
Matilda E Powel8
Sarah S Powel5
Rosalie Powel4
Martha H Powel3
Salina L Powel2
Margret E Powel5/12

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Cleveland, North Carolina; Roll: M653_893; Page: 326; Image: 99; Family History Library Film: 803893.

In 1900, Richard is living in Polkville, Cleveland County, NC. On this census, Richard is listed as 14 years old. (Brother Marshall is the youngest, age 1).

Robert William McEntire's Death Certificate, son of Richard and Elzey Powell provides a clue
on when his parents began their union since his birth is cited as July 8, 1880.


Name:William Robert Mc-Entire
Birth Date:8 Jul 1880
Birth Place:Cleveland, North Carolina, United States
Death Date:26 Oct 1957
Death Location:Rutherfordton, Rutherford
Spouse's name:Kate Mc-Entire
Father's name:Richard Mc-Entire
Mother's name:Elzie Powell
Residence:Union Mills, Rutherford, North Carolina


1900 Census: Polkville, Cleveland, NC
Richard Mcentire   38
Laura Mcentire  33
William Mcentire 19
Fred Mcentire  18
Ada Mcentire 15
Richard Mcentire 14
Essie Mcentire  11
George Mcentire 6
Vettus Mcentire 3
Marshal Mcentire 1

1910 Census
William R. Mccyolyn
Age in 1910  28
Birth Year 1882
Polkville, Cleveland, North CarolinaMarried
Spouse Kate E Mccyolyn

William R Mccyolyn 28
Kate E Mccyolyn 22
Grady Mccyolyn 5
Clarence Mccyolyn 4
Ross Mccyolyn 1

1920 Census (Essie McEntire Green, married to Grover Green)

920 United States Federal Census about Groer B Green

Name:Groer B Green
Birth Year:abt 1888
Birthplace:North Carolina
Home in 1920:Logan Store, Rutherford, North Carolina
Relation to Head of House:Head
Marital Status:Married
Spouse's Name:Essie Green
Father's Birthplace:North Carolina
Mother's Birthplace:North Carolina
Home owned:Rent
Able to read:Yes
Able to Write:Yes
Neighbors:View others on page
Household Members:
Groer B Green32
Essie Green31
Harland Green12
Franz Green9
Eloise Green6
Lassie Green4
Dorris Green2
Howard Green0

Name:Harlan Vue Greene
Birth Date:29 Apr 1907
Birth Place:North Carolina, United States
Death Date:22 Jun 1970
Death Location:Shelby, Cleveland
Spouse's Name:Maebell Dobbins
Father's Name:Grover Greene
Mother's Name:Essie Mcintire
Residence:Grover, Cleveland, North Carolina

Name:Franze Nmn Greene
Event Type:birth
Birth Date:13 Apr 1911
Birth County:Cleveland
Parent1 Name:Grover Greene
Parent2 Name:Essie McEntire
Roll Number:NCVR_B_C026_68002
Name:Howard Greene
Event Type:delayedbirth
Birth Date:11 Sep 1919
Birth County:Rutherford
Parent1 Name:Grover B Greene
Parent2 Name:Essie May McEntire
Roll Number:NCVR_B_C086_68001
Name:Doris Marie Guffey
[Doris Marie Green] 
Birth Date:24 Mar 1917
Birth Place:North Carolina, United States
Death Date:19 May 1938
Death Location:Greensboro, Guilford
Spouse's Name:R J Guffey
Father's Name:G B Green
Mother's Name:Essie Mcintyre

Daggerhart line:  (Ada McEntire Daggerhart)

1920 United States Federal Census about Ader Daggerhart

Name:Ader Daggerhart
[Ada Daggerhart
[Alder Daggerhart] 
[Ader Daggeshart] 
[Ader Daggemont
[Ader Daggrshart] 
Birth Year:abt 1885
Home in 1920:Polkville, Cleveland, North Carolina
Relation to Head of House:Wife
Marital Status:Married
Spouse's Name:Chorls Daggerhart
Father's Birthplace:North Carolina
Mother's Birthplace:North Carolina
Neighbors:View others on page
Household Members:
Chorls Daggerhart38
Ader Daggerhart35
Lillie Daggerhart15
Lonnce Daggerhart14
Ethle Daggerhart12
Herman Daggerhart10
Venisee Daggerhart8
Ceel Daggerhart6
Vany C Daggerhart3
Effie Daggerhart1

Name:Lawrence Edgar Daggerhart
Event Type:birth
Birth Date:27 Jun 1906
Birth County:Cleveland
Parent1 Name:Charles E Daggerhart
Parent2 Name:Ada Lee McIntyre
Roll Number:NCVR_B_C026_68002

1940 Census -
Household Members:
Laurence Daggerhart33
Daisy Daggerhart29
Beddie Daggerhart9
Joyce Daggerhart5
Chas Daggerhart3
Inez Sisko23

Name:Joyce Delle Dagerhart
Event Type:birth
Birth Date:1934
Birth County:Rutherford
Parent1 Name:Lawrence E Dagerhart
Roll Number:NCVR_B_C086_66001
Name:Vernice Maggie Daggerhart
Event Type:birth
Birth Date:11 Aug 1911
Birth County:Cleveland
Parent1 Name:Charles E Daggerhart
Parent2 Name:Ada Lee McIntire
Roll Number:NCVR_B_C026_68002
Name:Effie May Daggerhart
Event Type:birth
Birth Date:28 Nov 1918
Birth County:Cleveland
Parent1 Name:Charles Edgar Daggerhart
Roll Number:NCVR_B_C026_66001

Son of Richard and Laura Jane Lovelace (2nd wife):  Vetus McIntyre

 Vetus McEntyre, son of Richard and Laura Jane McEntire
b, Sept. 12 1896/ d. 1976,  married Martha Bridges

Vetus and Mattie with family.

Picture of Vetus and Mattie by Jean McIntyre Cogdell (grandaughter) early 1970's at their homestead.


  1. Thank you for adding my grandparents to your blog, And keeping the flames of history real. Grandpa Vete spelled his name as we all did with and "Iy", McIntyre. All throughout the family various family members spelled it different. Jean McIntyre Cogdell

  2. So true on the spellings Jean. In my mom's own family, I saw signatures of: McEntire, McIntyre, McIntire, McEntyre---even among siblings and cousins! In researching this line, the various spellings have always add to the chase (as I know you know so well). I love all the diligent work you've shared on Ancestry. Thanks so much and happy hunting, cousin!


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