Friday, August 7, 2015

Tryon Soap: Buy Locally at Tryon Mountain Hardware

Tryon Soap can now be purchased locally at the SoPoetry Soap Shop, 341 South Main St., Rutherfordton, NC.  The shop is open on Mondays and Fridays 1-4 PM and also on Saturdays from 10 AM to 6 PM

You are invited to visit the SoPoetry cottage soap shop soon to browse the Tryon Soap selections.  Tryon Soap is the SoPoetry brand of soap specializing in small batch soap making with creamery goat milk and with coconut milk.  The soaps  come in a variety of scents and textures from mild to scrubby like a loofah!  Simply good soap, naturally!

Let SoPoetry soap shop provide you with your soap needs for a pure and natural soap experience.  Natural...Indulgent....Pretty!

SoPoetry is owned by the owner of this blog, poet T A Price.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Open Salon (In Memoriam Event)

JULY 19, 2011 10:35AM
On looking out
RATE: 20

looking up                   on the Slot Canyon Trail at Tent Rocks National Monument*


It feels like this.
First, there is the below,
which knows no bottom.
The base is dark and full of secrets.
Somehow, you know,
that once,
someone found this depth.
But you know not the who,
nor do you doubt,
your inert, recalling trace
of field. 

If somehow you get to the level of air,
you feel the weight,
the fullness,
the vast intention
and dispersal of gravity
in a life displaced
and captured, 
across your face,
across your eyes,
across your mind, 
just before the narrowing
where interchange exists
in and beyond the peer. 

O, but to the blue
and past the looking out
where veils grace
a third day's delight,
where breath and song
are lifted,
where words live and 
shutters pulse 
inversely square and centered, 
proportioned and concentric, 
to connect and present
within the line of sight.

© 2011 by Scupper · all rights reserved

*Photo © 2011 by Barry B. Doyle · all rights reserved and used with permission

from comments:

(As an aside, and forgive me for saying, that I'm very happy that because of the exquisite and consistent quality of your art, that you are the only person that I have granted free use of my images past and future at your own discretion.)
I appreciate the many comments here. And Barry, you have shared quite an unexpected gift, and I am both humbled and thankful. I'm often lost in your photography. I so hoped this would meet with your expectations. I've tossed it and tossed it, and still see possible turns here and there. Thank you!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

On Passion

On Passion

Mama used to sit and sew
 long into the night.
My room was near the corner in the hall
where her Singer sat.
I’d hear busy feet tap a pedal.
I’d hear a whizzzzzz and steady throb of needle,
I’d hear nimble fingers turning edge and thread.
And every now and then,
I’d hear Mama murmur something like, “Yes, Fern” 
as she talked herself through a patch.

Mama was a perfectionist with stitch.
Thread in.
Thread out.
The lines had to track a perfect trail.
No strings lost track.
No garment shrugged.
The sleekest silks draped straight.

Mama loved to dress.
She’d fuss and bother over every fit.
Sometimes she'd take a trip to town
to eye a window's special.
Come Sunday morning
she'd have the look cut and sewn
and showcased 
upon her tiny frame.

Unlike Mama,
I never took to handiwork,
or to the layers of fabrics filling
closets in our home.
But I understood.
My slip was to be lost in some similar nook.
The same I felt with book and light
while under cover
or on a limb, or in a loft,
or with a pen and writing
while sprawled across the floor.
The hours were never long enough,
the moments though extended,
even spread across a night.

© T A Price 2014

(Singer photo wikimedia commons)

Friday, January 23, 2015


I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.
~ T.S. Eliot (1888–1965). The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. 
Prufrock and Other Observations. 1917
 divider leaf


The light and goodness
do not sustain
before I find myself
seeking the dim night
the dim fade
the dim close
the dim murder
of the day.
If I were an artist,
I’d choose the river gumbo
mined for my display.
Mud marbles.
Mud ornaments.
Mud dried
quick cracked.
Black tar thick
upon my hands
’til fired and hollowed
core on muralled walls.
If I were a throaty note,
I’d be one final
lingering draw,
the oak and smoke
remnant bit
of Booker charcoal
in the bottom
of some
mahogany glass.
If I were your eyes,
I’d be the cataracts
removed after
robbing your sight,
your strength,
your resolve to fight,
to draw,
to live,
to sing,
to love,
to survive.
To even drink
again with gusto,
but without the loss
of love, of fame,
of a good woman’s shame.
That would be I.
One craggy pair of claws
claiming green irides
for what will never be,
but for I alone
in the dark,
in the deep
in the blue
of the
blackest sea.

Published:  (1) Open Salon (Scupper poems)
(2) Fictionique, 2012:

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